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What is “r PET”?

Recycled PET, or rPET, stands for recycled polyethylene terephthalate. It is a type of plastic that is commonly used in the production of various products, especially packaging materials like plastic bottles, containers, and polyester textiles. PET is known for its… Read More »What is “r PET”?

Eco Friendly Material-Corn Fiber

What is Corn Fiber 玉米纖維是一種由玉米澱粉製成的生物可降解纖維,具有良好的吸濕性、透氣性和抗菌性,適合用於製作服裝、家紡、醫療用品等產品。玉米纖維的優點有以下幾點: 玉米纖維的缺點有以下幾點: 玉米纖維是一種新興的生物可降解纖維,具有許多優勢,但也存在一些問題。隨著科技的進步和市場的需求,玉米纖維將會不斷改進和發展,成為一種更加完善和普及的纖維材料。 Corn fiber is a biodegradable fiber made from corn starch, which has good moisture absorption, breathability, and antibacterial properties. It is suitable for making clothing, home textiles, medical supplies, and other products. The… Read More »Eco Friendly Material-Corn Fiber